Rent A Car Greece - Car Rental Greece | Exer
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The is the official website of EXERCARS S.A. (VAT 801498240) which is located at Paianias Markopoulou 479 Avenue, Athens, Greece.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us at +30 2103004718. 

Below you will find the Terms & Conditions, regarding car rentals in Greece. Before you proceed with a rental, we kindly advise you to review the following, as when you make your booking it is implied that you have read, understood and fully consent to the Terms. 


It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.



Driver's Age:





A, A1, A2, AA, B, B1, B2, BA, C, C1, CA




D, D1, D2, D3, D3A, DA, E, E1, E2, E3, E4, G, K, K1, K2, KN, R1, RA





Only for specific car groups, it is possible for a young driver, between the ages 21 to 23, to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met. In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs 9€ per day, with maximum charge of 90€ per rental


The Young Driver Fee is valid only for the following car groups: 




A, A1, A2, AA, B, B1, B2, BA, C, C1, CA




The option for the Young Driver Fee is not available for the following car groups: 




D, D1, D2, D3, D3A, DA, E, E1, E2, E3, E4, G, K, K1, K2, KN, R1, RA




For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is 75 years of age and above and has a valid Driver’s License, to proceed with a rental. 

In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs 9€ per day, with maximum of 90€ per rental. 


*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving. 

**The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well. 


Driving License:

All driving licenses that have been issued within the EU will be accepted. 

All National driving licenses written in Roman Alphabet and in a photocard format, and issued by a country that is included to the list of contracting parties of The Convention on Road Traffic (commonly known as the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic), will be accepted. 

All driving licenses that are issued from a country, that is not included in The Vienna Convention on Road Traffic nor are written in the Roman alphabet, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP)

The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of 1 year, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity. 

*All the above apply for all additional drivers as well. 


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement. 

The cost for the additional driver is 4,50€ per day, with maximum charge of 45€ per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment:

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





6,00 €

60,00 €


6,00 €

60,00 €


6,00 €

60,00 €


6,00 €

60,00 €


4,50 €

45,00 €





Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund. 


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a 60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick-up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day. 

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with


Business hours / Out of hours service: 

The business hours of all offices are from 07:00hrs until 22:00hrs. 

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours (22:01hrs – 06:59hrs), only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request.

There is an additional fee of 40€ that applies for the out of hours service. 


State | Border Restrictions: 

It is NOT permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle.


Vehicle Transport / Islands:

It is possible to transport the rented vehicle via ferry only within the Greek borders and provided that a prior agreement has been made with the local Station. An additional fee (Boat Fee) of 62€ per way applies.

Exception to this service, is our Station in Corfu and Crete. 

Upon your arrival, you will have to provide all necessary information regarding the requested transportation to the employee at the local Station.

Please note, that the Boat Fee, does not cover any damages that might happen, while the vehicle is on the ferry. Nevertheless, the insurance policy that you selected, will apply.

In addition, if anything happens to the vehicle, while you are at a destination, where one of our Stations is located, we will be able to provide you with Roadside Assistance.

However, if anything happens to the vehicle, while you are at a destination, where our Station is not available and you have failed to inform us in advance for the said transportation, then you will be fully responsible to contact the Roadside Assistance.

Please keep in mind, that you are required to return the rented vehicle to the Station, where you originally collected it from, and that you will have to bear any costs that might occur.


One-way Rentals:

One-way rentals are permitted for specific stations, with an additional charge. 

More information can be obtained at the local office or by request to the Rental Company. 


Express Fast Lane:

When you make your booking, you can include our Express Fast Lane option, which offers quicker access to the rental desk. This avoids delays and you can quickly go through the check-out process. This is an optional service and it has an additional cost of 20€. 

Please note that this option is only available for the following stations: Athens, Kalamata, Karpathos, Kos, Rhodes & Thessaloniki.


Animal transportation:

In order to be able to transfer a small animal (cat or dog) with the rented vehicle, the animal must be inside their carrier* and the owner must be present. When the car is returned to the station, the car rental company reserves the right to charge for the extensive cleaning** of the vehicle.

The Car Rental Company also reserves the right to deny to serve a reservation, in case you do not comply with the above-mentioned restrictions. 

*Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 

**Cleaning fee: 100€ (VAT included)


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental. 



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days. 


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required. 

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:




The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 











For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their credit card, debit card or cash. 


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount: 

 Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to:




A, A1, A2, AA

800,00 €

800,00 €

B, B1, B2, BA, C, C1, CA

900,00 €

900,00 €

D , D1, DA

1.000,00 €

1.000,00 €

D2, D2A, D3, D3A, E, E3, E4, G

1.200,00 €

1.200,00 €

E1, E2, R1, RA

1.400,00 €

1.400,00 €

K1, K2

1.500,00 €

1.500,00 €


1.700,00 €

1.700,00 €


* A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (the name on the reservation) must be presented as guarantee for the rental and will be used for the block of the excess/security deposit amount. 


Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW): 

It is possible to include an additional insurance package (SCDW) upon arriving at the local office. This insurance package provides additional coverage for the main body of the vehicle (exterior), the crystals and the tires and applies per day of rental. In addition, the excess amount is reduced.

The total cost of the additional insurance depends on the car category of choice and is calculated as follows: 



A, A1, A2, AA, B, B1, B2, BA, C, C1, CA

16,00 €

D, D1, D2, D2A, D3, D3A, DA, E, E3, E4, G

20,00 €

E1, E2, K, K1, K2, K2A, KN, R1, RA

25,00 €


* CDW & SCDW protection do not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

** If the additional SCDW insurance is purchased at the desk, then the excess/security deposit amount will be reduced from 100 € to 350 € , depending on the vehicle category of choice. 

 *** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim. 


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a) notify the police/authorities immediately

b) contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible

c) refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d) note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event. 

e) collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f) complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)

The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.

If needed, the Roadside Assistance service will be also called at the scene.

The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental. 

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount or even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local office. 

* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver. 

**The Roadside Assistance service is an external partner and the Car Rental Company cannot control their response time.


Premium Road Assistance Protection:

Premium Road Assistance Protection (PRAP) includes a 24-hour emergency service including exhausted battery jump start and tire replacement assistance with car's spare tire or towing the vehicle in case of total tire breakdown.

The PRAP is an optional service, with an additional cost of 5€ per day of rental and maximum charge of 35€ per rental.

Please note that this option is only available for the following stations: Athens, Kalamata, Karpathos, Kos, Rhodes & Thessaloniki. 


Damage administration fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases. 

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage. 

In addition, there is an administration fee that applies and costs 75€, even if you purchased the additional SCDW insurance at the local desk.

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable. 


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.

Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.


Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Driver's Age:










For all available car groups, it is possible for a young driver, to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met. In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs 10€ per day, with maximum charge of 100€ per rental, and a minimum fee of 50€.








For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is between the ages 70 to 75 and has a valid Driver’s License, to proceed with a rental. In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs 10€ per day, with maximum charge of 100€ per rental, and a minimum fee of 50€.

*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving. 

**The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well



Driving License:

All EU driving licences written in Roman alphabet and in a photocard format will be accepted. Any driving licence issued from a country that is not part of the EU or is not written in Roman alphabet must be accompanied by a valid International Driver's Permit (IDP). Additionally, if the driving licence is not written in English, an International Driver's Permit is obligatory. Drivers must have held a valid driving licence for a minimum of 1 year prior to the start date of the rental. They must also present their Passport/ID upon collection as additional proof of identity. These terms apply to all additional drivers. Both the national driving licence and the International Driver's Permit must be presented.


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. 

The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement. 

The cost for the additional driver is 5€ per day, with maximum charge of 50€ per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





10 €

100 €


7 €

70 €


5 €

50 €











Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund. 


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a 60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick-up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day. A fee is applied of 23,60€.

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with


Business hours / Out of hours service: 

The business hours of our office are formed as per below: 

Monday to Sunday: 08:00hrs-20:00hrs

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours, only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request. 

Monday to Sunday: 20:01hrs - 07:59hrs.


There is an additional fee of 25 that applies for the out of hours service. 


State | Border Restrictions: 

It is NOT permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle.


Vehicle Transport / Islands:

It is permitted to transport the rented vehicle via ferry only to Gozo Island, provided that a prior agreement has been made with the station. 


Animal transportation:

In order to be able to transfer a small animal (cat or dog) with the rented vehicle, the animal must be inside their carrier* and the owner must be present. When the car is returned to the station, the car rental company reserves the right to charge for the extensive cleaning of the vehicle.

The Car Rental Company also reserves the right to deny to serve a reservation, in case you do not comply with the above-mentioned restrictions. 

*Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 72 hours before the start of the rental. Refund: 

In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days. 


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required. 

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:




The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 











For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their Mastercard and/or Visa Credit card and/or Debit card or Cash. 


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount

Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to:





395 €

395 €


495 €

495 €


995 €

995 €


*A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required for the block of the security deposit amount.

** CDW protection does not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim. 

***Senior and Young Driver  Excess will be adjusted to 595€ for A1,B1,AA.



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a) notify the police/authorities immediately

b) contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible

c) refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d) note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event. 

e) collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f) complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)

The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.


The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental. 

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount. 

* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver. 


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.



Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties that occur during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee of 23,60€ might also apply.


Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.


It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Driver's Age:





A, A1, A2, AA, B, B1, B2, BA, C, C1, CA, D, D2, D2A, DA




E, E1, E2, G, K2A





Only for specific car groups, it is possible for a young driver, between the ages 21 to 23, to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met.

In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs 9€ per day, with maximum charge of 90€ per rental


The Young Driver Fee is valid only for the following car groups: 





A, A1, A2, AA, B, B1, B2, BA, C, C1, CA, D, D2, D2A, DA




The option for the Young Driver Fee is not available for the following car groups: 




E, E1, E2, G, K2A




For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is 75 years of age and above and has a valid Driver’s License, to proceed with a rental. In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs 9€ per day, with maximum of 90€ per rental. 


*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving. 

**The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well. 


Driving License:

All driving licenses that have been issued within the EU will be accepted. 

All National driving licenses written in Roman Alphabet and in a photocard format, will be accepted. 

All driving licenses that are not written in the Roman alphabet, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP). 

The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of 3 years, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity. 

*The above apply for all additional drivers as well. 


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement. 

The cost for the additional driver is 3€ per day, with maximum charge of 30€ per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment: 

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





4,00 €

40,00 €


4,00 €

40,00 €


4,00 €

40,00 €


6,00 €

60,00 €








Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund. 


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a 60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick-up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day. 

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with


Business hours / Out of hours service: 

The business hours of all offices are from 08:00hrs until 21:00hrs

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours (21:01hrs – 07:59hrs), only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request.

There is an additional fee of 25€ that applies for the out of hours service. 



State | Border Restrictions: 

It is NOT permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle.

In addition, it is NOT permitted to cross the border and visit the occupied Northern side of Cyprus with the rented vehicle. 


Animal transportation:

In order to be able to transfer a small animal (cat or dog) with the rented vehicle, the animal must be inside their carrier* and the owner must be present. When the car is returned to the station, the car rental company reserves the right to charge for the extensive cleaning of the vehicle.

The Car Rental Company also reserves the right to deny to serve a reservation, in case you do not comply with the above-mentioned restrictions. 

*Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental. 



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days. 


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required. 

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:




The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 











For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their Mastercard and/or Visa Credit card and/or Debit card or Cash.  


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount: 

 Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to:




A, A1, A2, AA, B, B1, B2, BA, C, C1, CA

500,00 €

500,00 €


600,00 €

600,00 €

D2, D2A, E, G

700,00 €

700,00 €

E1, E2

900,00 €

900,00 €


1.200,00 €

1.200,00 €


**A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required for the block of the security deposit amount


Full Damage Waiver (FDW): 

It is possible to include the additional FDW insurance upon arriving at the local office, which provides additional coverage for the main body of the vehicle (exterior). The cost of this insurance depends on the car category of your choice and applies per day of rental. The cost of the FDW insurance is between 10€ το 25€, depending on the car category of your choice and reduces the excess amount. 


* CDW & FDW protection do not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

** The CDW & FDW protection will only be valid within the areas that are under the control of the Republic of Cyprus and/or the areas under the control of the dominant British bases. 

*** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim. 


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/FDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a) notify the police/authorities immediately

b) contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible

c) refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d) note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event. 

e) collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f) complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)

The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.

If needed, the Roadside Assistance service will be also called at the scene.

The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental. 

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount or even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local office.


* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver. 

**The Roadside Assistance service is an external partner and the Car Rental Company cannot control their response time.



Damage administration fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases. 

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage. 

In addition, there is an administration fee that applies and costs 75€, even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local desk.

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable. 


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.

Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Driver's Age:





A, A1, A2, B1, B2, BA









Only for specific car groups, it is possible for a young driver, between the ages 21 to 23, to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met. In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs 9€ per day, with maximum charge of 90€ per rental


The Young Driver Fee is valid only for the following car groups: 




A, A1, A2, B1, B2, BA




The option for the Young Driver Fee is not available for the following car groups: 








For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is 75 years of age and above and has a valid Driver’s License, to proceed with a rental. In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs 9€ per day, with maximum of 90€ per rental. 

*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving. 

**All the above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well. 


Driving License:

All driving licenses that have been issued within the EU will be accepted. 

All National driving licenses written in Roman Alphabet and in a photocard format, and issued by a country that is included to the list of contracting parties of The Convention on Road Traffic (commonly known as the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic), will be accepted. 

All driving licenses that are issued from a country, that is not included in The Vienna Convention on Road Traffic nor are written in the Roman alphabet, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP)

The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of 1 year, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity. 

*All the above apply for all additional drivers as well. 


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement. 

The cost for the additional driver is 3€ per day, with maximum charge of 30€ per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





4,00 €

40,00 €


4,00 €

40,00 €


4,00 €

40,00 €


6,00 €

60,00 €








Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund. 


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a 60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick-up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day. 

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with


Business hours / Out of hours service: 

The business hours of all offices are from 08:00hrs until 21:00hrs. 

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours (21:01hrs – 07:59hrs), only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request.

There is an additional fee of 25€ that applies for the out of hours service. 


State | Border Restrictions: 

It is NOT permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle. 


Animal transportation:

In order to be able to transfer a small animal (cat or dog) with the rented vehicle, the animal must be inside their carrier* and the owner must be present. When the car is returned to the station, the car rental company reserves the right to charge for the extensive cleaning of the vehicle.

The Car Rental Company also reserves the right to deny to serve a reservation, in case you do not comply with the above-mentioned restrictions. 

*Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental. 



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days. 


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required. 

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:




The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 











For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their Mastercard and/or Visa Credit card and/or Debit card or Cash.  


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount: 

 Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to:




A, A1, A2, B1, B2, BA

500,00 €

500,00 €


700,00 €

700,00 €


*A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required for the block of the security deposit amount. 

** CDW protection does not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

*** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim. 


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/FDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a) notify the police/authorities immediately

b) contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible

c) refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d) note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event. 

e) collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f) complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)

The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.

The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental. 

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount. 

* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver. 


Damage administration fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases. 

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage. 

In addition, there is an administration fee that applies and costs 75€, even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local desk.

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable. 


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.

Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Driver's Age:





A, AA, B, B1, B2, D, D1




D2, E1, E2, G





Only for specific car group categories, it is possible for a young driver, between the ages 21 to 23, to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met.

In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs 9€ per day, with maximum charge of 90€ per rental


The Young Driver Fee is valid only for the following car groups: 




A, AA, B, B1, B2




The option for the Young Driver Fee is not available for the following car groups: 




D , D1, D2, E1, E2, G




For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is 75 years of age and above and has a valid Driver’s License, to proceed with a rental. In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs 9€ per day, with maximum of 90€ per rental. 


*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving. 

**The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well. 


International Driving License:

All National driving licenses written in Roman Alphabet and in a photocard format, and issued by a country that is included to the list of contracting parties of The Convention on Road Traffic (commonly known as the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic), will be accepted. 

All driving licenses that are issued from a country, that is not included in The Vienna Convention on Road Traffic nor are written in the Roman alphabet, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP). 

The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of 1 year, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity. 

*All the above apply for all additional drivers as well. 


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement. 

The cost for the additional driver is 3€ per day, with maximum charge of 30€ per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment: 

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





4,00 €

40,00 €


4,00 €

40,00 €


4,00 €

40,00 €


7,00 €

70,00 €








Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund. 


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a 60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick-up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day. 

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with


Business hours / Out of hours service: 

The business hours of all offices are from 07:00hrs until 23:00hrs

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours (23:01hrs – 06:59hrs), only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request.

There is an additional fee of 30€ that applies for the out of hours service. 


State | Border Restrictions: 

It is NOT permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle.


Animal transportation:

In order to be able to transfer a small animal (cat or dog) with the rented vehicle, the animal must be inside their carrier* and the owner must be present. When the car is returned to the station, the car rental company reserves the right to charge for the extensive cleaning of the vehicle.

The Car Rental Company also reserves the right to deny to serve a reservation, in case you do not comply with the above-mentioned restrictions. 

*Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental. 



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days. 


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required. 

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:




The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 











For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their Mastercard and/or Visa Credit card and/or Debit card or Cash.  


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount: 

 Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to:





1.400,00 €

1.400,00 €

B, B1, B2, D, D1

1.600,00 €

1.600,00 €

D2, E1, E2

2.000,00 €

2.000,00 €


1.800,00 €

1.800,00 €


* A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (the name on the reservation) must be presented as guarantee for the rental and will be used for the block of the excess/security deposit amount. 

 ** CDW protection do not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

 *** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim. 


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/FDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a) notify the police/authorities immediately

b) contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible

c) refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d) note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event. 

e) collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f) complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)

The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them. 


The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental. 

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount. 

* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver.  


Damage administration fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases. 

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage. 

In addition, there is an administration fee that applies and costs 75€, even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local desk.

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable. 


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.

Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Driver's Age:





A , AA, B1, BA, D




E, E2, K2A





Only for specific car groups, it is possible for a younger driver, to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met. In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs 6€ per day, with maximum charge of 60€ per rental. 

The Young Driver Fee is valid only for the following car groups: 




A, AA, B1, BA




The option for the Young Driver Fee is not available for the below car groups:







E, E2, K2A




For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is 73 years of age and above and has a valid Driver’s License, to proceed with a rental. In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs 6€ per day, with maximum of 60€ per rental. 

*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving. 

*The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well


Driving License:

All National driving licenses written in Roman Alphabet and in a photocard format, and issued by a country that is included to the list of contracting parties of The Convention on Road Traffic (commonly known as the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic), will be accepted. 

All driving licenses that are issued from a country, that is not included in The Convention on Road Traffic nor are written in the Roman alphabet, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP). 

The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of 1 year, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity. 

*The above apply for all additional drivers as well. 


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement. 

The cost for the additional driver is 6€ per day, with maximum charge of 60€ per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment:

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





6,00 €

60,00 €


6,00 €

60,00 €


6,00 €

60,00 €


10,00 €

100,00 €


3,00 €

30,00 €





Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund. 


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a 60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick-up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day. 

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with. 


Business hours / Out of hours service: 

The business hours of all offices are from 08:00hrs until 22:00hrs

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours (22:01hrs – 07:59hrs), only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request.

There is an additional fee of 25€ that applies for the out of hours service. 


State | Border Restrictions 

It is permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle, provided that an agreement has been made with the local station and you have provided them with all relevant information. 

There is an additional fee of 40€ that applies per border cross, which is payable at rental desk for authorization. 

For every country (except Kosovo) a green card is required, which can be purchased at the borders and costs 45€

Please note that it is not possible to have road assistance out of the Albanian borders.


Animal transportation:

In order to be able to transfer a small animal (cat or dog) with the rented vehicle, the animal must be inside their carrier* and the owner must be present. When the car is returned to the station, the car rental company reserves the right to charge for the extensive cleaning of the vehicle.

The Car Rental Company also reserves the right to deny to serve a reservation, in case you do not comply with the above-mentioned restrictions. 

*Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental. 



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days. 


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.  


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required. 

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:



The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 










For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their Mastercard and/or Visa Credit card and/or Debit card or Cash. 


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount

Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to:





800,00 €

800,00 €

B1, BA

950,00 €

950,00 €

D, E

1.050,00 €

1.050,00 €

E2, K2A

1.250,00 €

1.250,00 €

*A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required for the block of the security deposit amount


Full Damage Waiver (FDW)

It is possible to include the additional FDW insurance upon arriving at the local office, which provides additional coverage for the main body of the vehicle (exterior). The cost of this insurance depends on the car category of your choice and applies per day of rental. 




10,00 €

B1, BA

12,00 €

D, E

14,00 €

E2, K2A

18,00 €


*If the additional FDW insurance is purchased at the desk, then the excess/security deposit amount will be reduced between 300€ to 650€, depending on the vehicle category of choice. 


Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) 

It is possible to include an additional insurance package (SCDW) upon arriving at the local office. This insurance package provides additional coverage for the main body of the vehicle (exterior), the crystals and the tires and applies per day of rental. In addition, the excess amount is reduced.




18,00 €

B1, BA

22,00 €

D, E

24,00 €

E2, K2A

30,00 €


* CDW, FDW & SCDW protection do not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

** If the additional SCDW insurance is purchased at the desk, then the excess/security deposit amount will be reduced between 200€ to 400€, depending on the vehicle category of choice. 

*** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim. 



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a) notify the police/authorities immediately

b) contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible

c) refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d) note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event. 

e) collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f) complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)

The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.

 If needed, the Roadside Assistance service will be also called at the scene.

The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental. 

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount or even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local office. 

* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver. 

**The Roadside Assistance service is an external partner and the Car Rental Company cannot control their response time. 


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/FDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.


*  In case the documents and the license plates of the rented vehicle are lost or severely damaged, and additional administration fee of 200€ and furthermore the rented will be obliged to pay an additional amount equal to 20 days worth of rental.   

** In case the keys of the rented vehicle are lost or severely damaged, an additional fee between 250 € to 450 €, depending on the car group category will apply. 


Damage administration fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases. 

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage. 

In addition, there is an administration fee that applies and costs 50 €, even if even an additional insurance was purchased at the local desk.

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable. 


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.


Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Age Requirements:









E2, G





It is possible for a younger driver, between the ages 21 to 23, to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met. In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs 10€ per day, with maximum charge of 100€ per rental


The Young Driver Fee is valid only for the following car groups: 




A, AA , BA




The option for the Young Driver Fee is not available for the following car groups: 







E2, G




For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is 75 years of age and above and has a valid Driver’s License, to proceed with a rental. In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs 10€ per day, with maximum of 100€ per rental. 


*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving. 

**The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well. 


Driving License:

All national driving licenses must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP).

The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of 1 year, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity. 


*All the above apply for all additional drivers as well. 


Additional Driver

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement. 

The cost for the additional driver is 5€ per day, with maximum charge of 50€ per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €


10,00 €

100,00 €


10,00 €

100,00 €





Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund. 


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a 60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick-up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day. 

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with


Business hours / Out of hours service:

The business hours of all offices are from 08:00hrs until 21:00hrs. 

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours (21:01hrs – 07:59hrs), only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request.

There is an additional fee of 25€ that applies for the out of hours service. 


State | Border Restrictions 

It is NOT permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle.


Animal transportation:

In order to be able to transfer a small animal (cat or dog) with the rented vehicle, the animal must be inside their carrier* and the owner must be present. When the car is returned to the station, the car rental company reserves the right to charge for the extensive cleaning of the vehicle.

The Car Rental Company also reserves the right to deny to serve a reservation, in case you do not comply with the above-mentioned restrictions. 

*Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental. 



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days. 


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required. 

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:




The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 











For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their Mastercard and/or Visa Credit card and/or Debit card or Cash. 


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount

Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to:





1.000,00 €

1.000,00 €


2.000,00 €

2.000,00 €


1.500,00 €

1.500,00 €


*A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required for the block of the security deposit amount

** CDW protection does not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim. 



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a) notify the police/authorities immediately

b) contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible

c) refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d) note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event. 

e) collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f) complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)

The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.


The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental. 

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount. 

* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver. 


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/FDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.


Damage administration fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases. 

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage. 

In addition, there is an administration fee that applies and costs 75€, even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local desk.

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable. 


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.

Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Driver's Age:





A, A1, B1, D1, DA




D2, E, G, K2A, KN





Only for specific car group categories, it is possible for a young driver, between the ages 21 to 23, to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met.

In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs 10€ per day, with maximum charge of 100€ per rental. 


The option for the Young Driver Fee is available only for the following car groups: 




A, A1, B1




The Young Driver Fee does not apply for the following car groups: 




D1, DA



D2, E, G, K2A, KN





For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is between the ages 75 to 80 and has a valid Driver’s License, to proceed with a rental. In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs 10€ per day, with maximum of 100€ per rental. 


*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving. 

**The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well


Driving License:

All driving licenses that have been issued within the EU will be accepted. 

All National driving licenses written in Roman Alphabet and in a photocard format, and issued by a country that is included to the list of contracting parties of The Convention on Road Traffic (commonly known as the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic), will be accepted

All driving licenses that are issued from a country, that is not included in The Vienna Convention on Road Traffic nor are written in the Roman alphabet, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP)

The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of 1 year, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity.

*All the above apply for all additional drivers as well. 


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement. 

The cost for the additional driver is 5€ per day, with maximum charge of 50€ per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €


10,00 €

100,00 €


10,00 €

100,00 €





Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund. 


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a 60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick-up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day. 

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with


Business hours / Out of hours service: 

The business hours of our office are formed as per below: 

Monday to Friday: 09:00hrs - 20:00hrs.

Saturday to Sunday: 09:00hrs – 15:00hrs

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours, only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request. 

Monday to Friday: 20:01hrs - 08:59hrs.

Saturday to Sunday: 15:01hrs – 08:59hrs


There is an additional fee of 25€ that applies for the out of hours service. 


State | Border Restrictions 

It is permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle with an additional cost, provided that an agreement has been made with the local station and you have provided them with all relevant information and they will the necessary documents. 

Please note that it permitted to visit the following countries. Besides each country’s name you will find the additional cost as well, which is only payable at the local desk. 

  1. Austria 200 €
  2. Belgium 300 
  3. Bulgaria 100 
  4. Croatia 200 
  5. Cyprus 300 
  6. Czech Republic 200 
  7. Estonia 200 
  8. Germany 300 
  9. Greece 200 
  10. Italy 300 
  11. Latvia 200 
  12. Lithuania 200 
  13. Luxembourg 300 
  14. Moldova 150 
  15. Netherlands 300 
  16. Poland 250 
  17. Slovakia 250 
  18. Slovenia 250 


Animal transportation:

In order to be able to transfer a small animal (cat or dog) with the rented vehicle, the animal must be inside their carrier* and the owner must be present. When the car is returned to the station, the car rental company reserves the right to charge for the extensive cleaning of the vehicle.

The Car Rental Company also reserves the right to deny to serve a reservation, in case you do not comply with the above-mentioned restrictions. 

*Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental. 



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days. 


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required. 

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:




The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 










For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their Mastercard and/or Visa Credit card and/or Debit card or Cash. 


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount

Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to:




A, A1

1.000,00 €

1.000,00 €


1.200,00 €

1.200,00 €


1.400,00 €

1.400,00 €


1.800,00 €

1.800,00 €

DA , E, G

1.500,00 €

1.500,00 €


1.900,00 €

1.900,00 €


*A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required for the block of the security deposit amount

** CDW protection does not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim. 



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a) notify the police/authorities immediately

b) contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible

c) refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d) note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event. 

e) collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f) complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)

The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.


The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental. 

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount. 

* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver. 


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/FDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.


Damage administration fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases. 

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage. 

In addition, there is an administration fee that applies and costs 100€, even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local desk.

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable. 


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.

Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Driver's Age:

In general, the main and the additional driver(s) must be between 25 years to 75 years in order to proceed with a rental. 

For all the available car groups, it is possible for a younger driver, between the ages 21 to 25, to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met. In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs 6€ per day, with maximum charge of 60€ per rental

For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is 75 years of age and above and has a valid Driver’s License, to proceed with a rental. In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs 6€ per day, with maximum of 60€ per rental. 

*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving.

**The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well


Driving License:

All driving licenses that have been issued within the EU will be accepted. 

All National driving licenses written in Roman Alphabet and in a photocard format, and issued by a country that is included to the list of contracting parties of The Convention on Road Traffic (commonly known as the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic), will be accepted. 

All driving licenses that are issued from a country, that is not included in The Viena Convention on Road Traffic nor are written in the Roman alphabet, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP)

The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of 2 years, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity. 

*The above apply for all additional drivers as well.  


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement. 

The cost for the additional driver is 6€ per day, with maximum charge of 60€ per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €


12,00 €

120,00 €








Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund. 


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a 60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick-up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day. 

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with. 


Business hours / Out of hours service: 

The business hours of all offices are from 08:00hrs until 20:00hrs

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours (20:01hrs – 07:59hrs), only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request.

There is an additional fee of 35€ that applies for the out of hours service. 


State | Border Restrictions 

It is permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle with an additional cost, provided that an agreement has been made with the local station and you have provided them with all relevant information and they will the necessary documents

Please note that it permitted to visit the following countries. Besides each country’s name you will find the additional cost as well, which is only payable at the local desk. 

• Greece 100 €

• North Macedonia 100 €

• Romania 100 €

• Serbia 100 €


Animal transportation:

In order to be able to transfer a small animal (cat or dog) with the rented vehicle, the animal must be inside their carrier* and the owner must be present. When the car is returned to the station, the car rental company reserves the right to charge for the extensive cleaning of the vehicle.

The Car Rental Company also reserves the right to deny to serve a reservation, in case you do not comply with the above-mentioned restrictions. 

* Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental. 



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days. 


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required. 

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:




The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 










For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their Mastercard and/or Visa Credit card and/or Debit card or Cash. 


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount

Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to:




A, A1

1.500,00 €

500,00 €

B, B1

1.500,00 €

700,00 €


2.000,00 €

955,00 €


2.500,00 €

1.025,00 €

E, G, K1

2.000,00 €

1.025,00 €

E1, E2, K

2.500,00 €

1.285,00 €


* CDW protection does not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

***A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required for the block of the security deposit amount. 


Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) 

It is possible to include an additional insurance package (SCDW) upon arriving at the local office. This insurance package provides additional coverage for the main body of the vehicle (exterior), the crystals and the tires and applies per day of rental. In addition, the excess amount is reduced.



A, A1

17,00 €

B, B1

18,00 €


19,00 €

D2, E, G

20,00 €


20,00 €

E1, E2

25,00 €


34,00 €


29,00 €


* CDW & SCDW protection do not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

** If the additional SCDW insurance is purchased at the desk, then the excess/security deposit amount will be reduced.

*** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim. 



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a) notify the police/authorities immediately

b) contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible

c) refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d) note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event. 

e) collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f) complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)

The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.

The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental. 

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount or even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local office. 

* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver. 


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.


Damage administration fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases. 

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage. 

In addition, there is an administration fee that applies and costs 45€, even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local desk.

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable. 


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.

Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Driver's Age:














*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving.

**The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well.


Driving License:

All National driving licenses written in Roman Alphabet and in a photocard format, will be accepted.

All driving licenses that are nor written in the Roman alphabet, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP).

The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of  1 year, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity.


*All the above apply for all additional drivers as well.


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement.

The cost for the additional driver is 5€ per day, with maximum charge of 50€ per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment 

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





10,00 €

100,00 €


10,00 €

100,00 €


10,00 €

100,00 €











Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to  two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund.


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a  60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick- up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day.

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with. 


Business hours:

The business hours of our office are from 00:00hrs until 23:59hrs. 


State | Border Restrictions

It is NOT permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle


Animal transportation:

In order to be able to transfer a small animal (cat or dog) with the rented vehicle, the animal must be inside their carrier* and the owner must be present. When the car is returned to the station, the car rental company reserves the right to charge for the extensive cleaning of the vehicle.

The Car Rental Company also reserves the right to deny to serve a reservation, in case you do not comply with the above-mentioned restrictions.

* Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental.



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days.


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required.

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:

  • VISA


The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit:

  • CASH


For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their Mastercard and/or Visa Credit card and/or Debit card or Cash.


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount

Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to 1200 € for all the available car categories.

A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required for the block of the security deposit amount, which is calculated as per below:





1.200,00 €

500,00 €


1.200,00 €

1.200,00 €


* CDW protection does not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim.



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a)   notify the police/authorities immediately

b)  contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible 

c)   refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d)  note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event.

e)   collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f)   complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)


The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.

If needed, the Roadside Assistance service will be also called at the scene.

The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental.

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount.


* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver.

**The Roadside Assistance service is an external partner and the Car Rental Company cannot control their response time.


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/FDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.


Damage administration fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases.

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage.

In addition, there is an administration fee that applies and costs 75 €, even if even an additional insurance was purchased at the local desk.

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable.


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.

Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Driver's Age:

The age requirements per car category are formed as per below:









CA, D, D1




D2A, D3A, DA, E2, G












Depending on the car group category, it is possible for a young driver to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met. In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs 10€ per day, with maximum charge of 100€ per rental


The Young Driver Fee applies as per below:






20 - 21


C1,CA, D, D1



D2A, D3A, DA E2, G









For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is  68 years of age and above and has a valid Driver’s License, to proceed with a rental.  In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs 10€ per day, with maximum of 100€ per rental.

*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving.

**All the above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well.


Driving License:

All National driving licenses written in Roman Alphabet and in a photocard format, will be accepted.

All driving licenses that nor are written in the Roman alphabet, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP) and a Turkish entry stamp within the last 6 years is also required.

For all Turkish citizens, a new driver’s license with a chip or a driver’s license with a Turkish identification number is accepted.

The drivers must have with them their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity.

The above apply for all additional drivers as well.


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement.

The cost for the additional driver is 5€ per day, with maximum charge of 50€ per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment:

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €











Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to  two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund.


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a  60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick- up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day.

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with


Business hours / Out of hours service:

The business hours of the offices are formed as per below:

•  Antalya Airport (AYT) from 08:00hrs until 23:00hrs

•  Bodrum Aiport (BJV) from 07:00hrs until 01:00hrs

•  Dalaman Airport (DLM) from 07:00hrs until 01:00hrs

Istanbul Airport (IST) from 08:00hrs until 18:00hrs

•  Istanbul Yenibosna Downtown from 10:00hrs until 23:00hrs

•  Izmir Airport (ADB) from 00:00hrs until 23:59hrs

•  Sabiha Gokcen Airport (SAW) from 07:00hrs until 23:00hrs


Please note that it is not possible to serve a reservation after hours. 


State | Border Restrictions:

It is NOT permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle.


One-way Rentals:

One-way rentals are permitted for specific stations, with an additional charge. More information can be obtained at the local office or by request to the Rental Company


Animal transportation:

It is not permitted to transport an animal with the rented vehicle.

When the rented vehicle is returned to the office and animal hair is found inside during the inspection, an additional cleaning fee of 100€ applies.

* Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental.



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days.


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required.

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:

•         VISA

•         MASTERCARD



The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 

•         DINERS

•         DEBIT CARDS

•         PER-PAID CARDS

•         LASER

•         MAESTRO

•         REVOLUT

•         SWITCH CARDS

•         CASH


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount:

Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to:




AA, BA, C1, CA

184,00 €

90,00 €


184,00 €

100,00 €

D1, D2A, D3A

230,00 €

100,00 €


276,00 €

100,00 €


276,00 €

115,00 €


368,00 €

160,00 €


368,00 €

175,00 €

*A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required for the block of the security deposit amount.


Additional Insurance Options

The following additional insurance options are available for purchasing at the local desk:

•  Mini Damage insurance costs 5€ per day of rental, with maximum charge of 75€ per rental.

•  Midi Damage insurance costs 8€ per day of rental, with maximum charge of 120€ per rental.

•  Maxi Damage insurance costs 9€ per day of rental, with maximum charge of 135€ per rental. 

•  Third Party Liability costs 5€ per day of rental, with maximum charge of 75€ per rental.

• LC (tire & windscreen protection) insurance costs 6€ per day of rental, with maximum charge of 90€ per rental.

•  Assistance package costs 6€ per day of rental, with maximum charge of 90€ per rental.

• Middle package costs 16€ per day of rental, with maximum charge of 240€ per rental

•  Maxi package costs 18€ per day of rental, with maximum charge of 270€ per rental

•  Maxi plus package costs 25€ per day of rental, with maximum charge of 375€ per rental


* CDW & the additional insurance options, do not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office.

** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim.


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/FDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a)   notify the police/authorities immediately

b)  contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible c)   refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d)  note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event.

e)   collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f)   complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)

The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.

The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. They must obtain all relevant reports from the Police or the Gendarmerie. In such cases, please note that an alcohol report is also required.

Please note that all reports must be delivered to the local office, within 3 business days since the incident. If they are not, any insurance that was purchased will no longer be valid and the driver will be charged accordingly.

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount or even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local office.

* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver.


Damage administration fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases.

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage. 

In addition, there is an administration fee that applies and costs 75 €, even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local desk.

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable.


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.

Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Driver's Age:

In general, the main and the additional driver(s) must be between 25 years to 75 years in order to proceed with a rental.

For all available car groups, it is possible for a young driver, between the ages 21 to 25, to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met. In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs $20 per day, with maximum charge of $200 per rental

For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is 75 years of age and above to proceed with a rental. In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs $20 per day, with maximum of $200 per rental.


*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving. 

**The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well.


Driving License:

All National driving licenses written in English and in a photocard format, will be accepted.

All driving licenses that nor are written in English, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP)

The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of 2 years, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport on collection, as additional proof of identity.


*The above apply for all additional drivers as well.


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement.

The cost for the additional driver is $10 per day, with maximum charge of $100 per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment: 

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





 $                 10,00

 $                  100,00


 $                 10,00

 $                  100,00


 $                 10,00

 $                  100,00


 $                 10,00

 $                  100,00











Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to  two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, then you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund.


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a  60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick- up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

There is an additional charge, the first fuel tank which costs $60.

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day.

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with


Business hours / Out of hours service:


•  Miami International Airport (MIA) 

The business hours of our office in Miami  are from 07:00hrs until 21:00hrs.

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours (21:01hrs – 06:59hrs), only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request.

There is an additional fee of $50 that applies for the out of hours service.


•  Fort Lauderdale International Airport (FLL)

The business hours of our office in Lauderdale  are from 07:00hrs until 19:00hrs.

Please note that it is not possible to serve a reservation after hours.


•  Orlando International Airport (MCO)

The business hours of our office in Orlando are from 07:00hrs until 17:00hrs.

Please note that it is not possible to serve a reservation after hours.


State | Border Restrictions:

It is not permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle.

Furthermore, it is not permitted to leave the limits of the State of Florida with the rented vehicle.


Animal transportation:

It is  not permitted to transport an animal with the rented vehicle. 

* Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents. 


Cancellation policy:

In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental.



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days.


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to. 


Means of Payment:

For the block of the security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required.

Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:

•         VISA

•         MASTERCARD


The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit:

•         DINERS


•         DEBIT CARDS

•         PER-PAID CARDS

•         LASER

•         MAESTRO

•         REVOLUT

•         SWITCH CARDS

•         CASH


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount:

Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver and the excess for all the available car categories is $5.000. Please note that a security deposit of $1.000 will be blocked from the main driver’s credit card.


Applicable Insurance Policies for domestic Clients (USA-CANADA)

The following insurance policies are accepted only for US and Canadian citizens:




•  USA








In order for the insurance policy to be valid, the main driver, upon their arrival at the desk, must present the policy declaration page, that has to be in their name. Furthermore, the Third-party protection must be between $500.000 and $1.000.000.


Additional Insurance Options

It is possible to include an additional insurance at the local office.

More information can be obtained upon the arrival at the desk. 

* CDW & the additional insurance options do not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office.

** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim.


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/FDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a)   notify the police/authorities immediately

b)  contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible c)   refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d)  note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event.

e)   collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f)   complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)


The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.

The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. They must receive all the relevant reports from the Police. If requested, afterwards

they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental.

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount or even an additional insurance was purchased at the local office.

* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver. 


Damage administration fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases.

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage. The administration fee applies, even if an additional insurance is purchased at the local office. 

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable.


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.


Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Age Requirements:


The main and the additional driver(s) must be between 21 years to 75 years in order to proceed with a rental. 


*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving. 

**The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well. 


Transactions conducted with EXER:


Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

Driving License:

All National driving licenses written in Roman Alphabet and in a photocard format, and/or issued by a country that is included to the list of contracting parties of The Convention on Road Traffic (commonly known as the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic), will be accepted. 

All driving licenses that are issued from a country, that is not included in The Convention on Road Traffic nor are written in the Roman alphabet, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP)

The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of 1 year, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity. 


*All the above apply for all additional drivers as well.  


Additional Driver:

It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement. 

The cost for the additional driver is 5 € per day, with maximum charge of 50 € per rental (price applies per additional driver).


Additional Equipment

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.





5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €











Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, the you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund. 


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a 60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.


Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick-up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day. 

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with. 


Business hours: 

The business hours of all offices are from 09:00hrs until 20:000hrs.  

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours (20:01hrs– 08:59hrs), only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request.

There is an additional fee of 15 € that applies for the out of hours service.



State | Border Restrictions :


It is NOT permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle


Animal transportation:


In order to be able to transfer a small animal (cat or dog) with the rented vehicle, the animal must be inside their carrier and the owner must be present. When the car is returned to the station, reserves the right to charge for the extensive cleaning of the vehicle.


The Car Rental Company also reserves the right to deny to serve a reservation, in case you do not comply with the above-mentioned restrictions. 



Cancellation policy:


In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental. 





In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days. 


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to.  


Means of Payment:

For the block of the excess/security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required. 


Only the following credit cards are accepted for the block of security deposit:




The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 










For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their Mastercard and/or Visa Credit card and/or Debit card or Cash. 


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount

Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Theft Waiver (TW) insurance and is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to 300 € for all the available car categories. Please note that a security deposit of 300€ will be blocked from the main driver’s credit card 


* CDW protection does not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim. 



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:


a) notify the police/authorities immediately

b) contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible

c) refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d) note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event. 

e) collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f) complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)


The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.


The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental. 


If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount. 


* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver. 



What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW):

What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/FDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.


Damage fee:

Once a rented vehicle is returned at the local office and a new damage has occurred, the employees at the desk will follow the standard procedure for such cases. 

Please note that you will receive all the relevant paperwork regarding the charge of the damage. 

In addition, there is an administration fee that applies and costs 50 €, even if you purchased the additional SCDW insurance at the local desk.

The administration fee is not included in the excess amount and is not refundable. 


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period.

Please note that the administration fee might also apply


Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.

It is prohibited to:

·         Transfer bulky sporting equipment inside the rented vehicle and also on the roof (such as surfing boards etc.)

·        Drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.

·         Transport flammable or hazardous goods, or any toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or otherwise harmful substances.

·         Carry anything that could damage the car due to its smell or condition, or result in a loss of time or money for the rental company.

·         Install a roof rack, luggage carrier, or any other accessory unless provided by the rental company.

·         Rent the car to any other person.

·         Transport passengers for a fee, such as a taxi service.

·         Participate in rallies, races, or tests.

·         Conduct driving lessons.

·         Tow another vehicle.

·         Drive on unpaved roads or roads with a surface or condition that could cause damage to the car. (No vehicles are permitted to be driven off road, or on beaches and exposed to salt water.)

·         Violate traffic laws or other regulations.


Age Requirements:

In general, the main and the additional driver(s) must be between 25 years to 75 years in order to proceed with a rental.  


For all available car groups, it is possible for a younger driver, who is between 22 to 24 years of age, to proceed with rental, provided that all the requirements are met. In addition, there is a Young Driver Fee that applies, which costs 7,50 € per day, with maximum charge of 75 € per rental.

For all available car groups, it is possible for a driver, who is between 76 to 80 years of age and above and has a valid Driver’s License, to proceed with a rental. In this case, there is a Senior Driver Fee that applies which costs 7,50 € per day, with maximum of 75 € per rental. 

*The employee at the desk has the right to refuse to serve a reservation, in case the driver is in no condition to be driving. 

*The above-mentioned restrictions apply to the additional driver(s) as well


Driving License:

All National driving licenses written in Roman Alphabet and in a photocard format, and/or issued by a country that is included to the list of contracting parties of The Convention on Road Traffic (commonly known as the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic), will be accepted. 


All driving licenses that are issued from a country, that is not included in The Convention on Road Traffic nor are written in the Roman alphabet, must be accompanied by a valid International Drivers Permit (IDP).


The drivers must have held a valid Driver’s License for a minimum of 3 years, prior to the start of the rental. They must also show their Passport/ID on collection, as additional proof of identity. 


*The above apply for all additional drivers as well. 


Additional Driver:
It is possible to include one or more additional driver(s) in a reservation. The cost for the additional driver(s) is not included in the basic rental price and is paid at the local office. The additional driver(s) must present either their Passport/ID in addition to their Driver’s License and must be present in order to sign the rental agreement. 

The cost for the additional driver is 3 € per day of rental, with maximum charge 30 € per rental (price applies per additional driver).

Additional Equipment

Below there is a list with the available additional equipment, that is renter is able to include in their reservation with an additional cost.






5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €


5,00 €

50,00 €


6,00 €

60,00 €


6,00 €

60,00 €


3,00 €

30,00 €





Pick-up time:

The reserved rented vehicle will be available for up to two (2) hours after the agreed collection time. In case of delay, the you must contact the Rental Company or the local office and proceed with the necessary arrangements. If you fail to do so and the two (2) hours have passed, then the Rental Company has the right to consider the reserved vehicle as available and provide it to another Client without further notice or refund. 


Drop-off time:

Upon arrival a specific drop-off time is confirmed. There is a 60-minute grace period, in case there is a delay, due to traffic etc. After this time frame passes and the vehicle is not returned to the agreed station/location, a fee will apply, which will be equal to the cost of one day’s rental, in accordance with the rates on that specific day without any further notice.



All rentals include unlimited mileage.



Fuel Policy:

The vehicle's fuel tank will be provided with a certain amount of fuel during the pick-up and is required that the vehicle is returned with the same amount of fuel. (Same to Same)

In case the car is returned with less amount of fuel, then the difference will be charged in accordance with the fuel rate on that day. 

The Company will not proceed with any kind of refund, in case the vehicle is returned with more fuel, than was originally received with.


Business hours / Out of hours service: 

The business hours of all offices are from 08:00hrs until 20:00hrs

It is possible to serve a reservation after hours (20:01hrs – 07:59hrs), only per request, and provided that the local office has approved the said request.

There is an additional fee of 35 € that applies for the out of hours service. 



State | Border Restrictions 

It is permitted to cross the borders with the rented vehicle, only within Europe, provided that an agreement has been made with the local station and you have provided them with all relevant information.


There is an additional fee of 50 € that applies per border cross, which is payable at rental desk for authorization and they will provide you with all relevant documents you may need, for such transportation.


Please note that it is not possible to have road assistance out of the borders of Montenegro.



Animal transportation:

It is not permitted to transport an animal with the rented vehicle.

*Exception to this are certified service animals. In such cases the owner must present all relevant documents.


Cleaning fee

In case the interior of the vehicle is dirty, for example from food and drink residue, salt water stains, animal hair etc., there will be an additional charge of 75€.


Cancellation policy:
In order to obtain a full refund of the amount paid for a reservation, the cancellation request must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the rental. 



In any case the renter terminates the rental period earlier than originally planned, no amount will be refunded for the unused days. 


Car types:

Reservations are always confirmed for a given Car Group and not for a specific car model. The car on the voucher represents the vehicle for the class (Group) the driver has chosen while making a booking. The Car Rental Company cannot guarantee that a specific make or model will be provided. Any car models that are advertised, are simply typical examples of the size, specifications and performance of the specific car group they belong to. 


Means of Payment:

For the block of the excess/security deposit amount a valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required. 

Only the following cards (credit or debit) are accepted for the block of security deposit:



The following cards/means of payment are not accepted for the block of the security deposit: 


                  AMERICAN EXPRESS

                  PER-PAID CARDS




                  SWITCH CARDS


                  APPLE PAY

                  GOOGLE PAY

For any other payment, the renter is able to use either their Mastercard and/or Visa Credit card and/or Debit card or Cash. 

Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) with excess amount

Every car rental includes the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is subject to an excess amount. The CDW reduces the financial liability of the driver up to:




 A, A1, A2

500,00 €

500,00 €

B, B1, BA 

605,00 €

605,00 €

 C, D, DA, D1, D3, D3A

726,00 €

726,00 €


847,00 €

847,00 €


1.210,00 €

1.210,00 €


*A valid credit card in the name of the main driver (name on the reservation) is required for the block of the security deposit amount



Full Damage Waiver (FDW)

It is possible to include the additional FDW insurance upon arriving at the local station, which provides additional coverage for the main body of the vehicle (exterior), the crystals and the tires. The cost of this insurance depends on the car category of your choice and applies per day of rental.




 A, A1, A2, B, B1, BA, C, D, DA, D1, D3, D3A

18,00 €


21,00 €


23,00 €


* CDW & FDW protection do not apply beyond the rental date agreed with the local office. 

**If the additional FDW insurance is purchased at the desk, then the excess/security deposit amount will be reduced between 100€ to 200€, depending on the vehicle category of choice. 

*** If an additional insurance is purchased while making a booking through a provider’s website, please note that a valid credit card will still be required for the block of the security deposit amount, as this insurance is a contract between the driver (name on the reservation) and the said provider. In case of a damage or an accident, the employee at the desk will provide you with all the relevant documents so that you can proceed with your claim.



In case of an accident or any other event (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Driver must:

a)      notify the police/authorities immediately

b)      contact the Car Rental Company (local office) as soon as possible

c)      refrain from yielding to any demands from third parties

d)      note the name/surname and addresses of any eye witnesses, as well as any other person involved in the aforementioned event. 

e)      collect all relevant information from third parties and any relevant document or other evidence (i.e., pictures etc.) and send to the Car rental Company

f)       complete and sign the relevant declaration form (accident, etc.)

The employees at the local office will be able to provide proper instructions, based on the situation at hand and the driver will have to follow them.

 If needed, the Roadside Assistance service will be also called at the scene.

The Driver must remain near the vehicle, until the issue is identified and resolved. If requested, afterwards they might also need to visit the local office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and, if needed, to receive a different vehicle for the rest of the duration of their rental. 

If the incident is caused as a result of Traffic Violation by the renter (passing a red traffic light, passing a STOP sign etc.), then the driver will be charged with the total cost of the damage, even if it exceeds the excess amount or even if an additional insurance was purchased at the local office. 

* In case of an accident or damage to the rented vehicle, the Car Rental Company reserves the right to take action within 24 hours, from the time they receive the notice from the driver. 

**The Roadside Assistance service is an external partner and the Car Rental Company cannot control their response time.


What is NOT Covered by the Insurance Policy (CDW/FDW/SCDW):

The below list includes all the cases/parts, that in case of a damage are not included in the insurance policy and the renter will be charged accordingly: 

• Any damage or loss of the radio antenna and the internal sound system of the car

• Any damage or loss of the car key, including the backup key, and any damage to the lock(s) of the vehicle.  

• Any damage to the bottom/underneath part of the vehicle

• Any damage in the interior of the vehicle and the upholstery

• Any damage on the crystals and tires of the vehicle, in case the SCDW insurance is not included

• Cases of excessive dirt, (exterior & interior) that require extensive cleaning and special equipment. 

• Any damage or loss of any personal item(s) that is inside the rented car

• Any damages that occur to the engine of the car due to negligence and incorrect or problematic use of fuel type. 

• Any damages that occur to the additional rented equipment (child/baby seat etc.)

• Any loss of electrical power that was caused by personal negligence (forgotten headlights on, interior lights on etc.)

• Any damage or loss of the documents related to the car and/or the license plate(s) of the car

• Any damages that occur while driving off-road

• Any damages occur while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. 

• Any damages occurred by personal negligence of the driver and any Traffic Violations. 

• Any damages occurred by improper driving (improper use of the clutch etc.)

• Any damages occurred by improper use of the hood and/or the mechanism of the hood of the convertible car.

• Any loss of use due to the immobility or grounding of the vehicle.


Fines and Penalties:

The Driver is fully responsible for the cost of any parking fines or other penalties occurred during the rental period. 

Please note that the administration fee might also apply.


 Transactions conducted with EXER:

Any exchange/currency conversion fees charged by any financial institution, as well as transaction costs, charged deposit amount-refunds and processing fees where applicable, will be covered by the client.